Thursday, February 9, 2012


I rarely post something two days in a row.  Mainly because I can't imagine anyone would want to know what is going on in my life THAT much!  But, I realized last night that I rarely post about the physicality of my actual runs.   So, let me tell you about my run last night...

It was awful.  Every runner knows that sometimes you have that day where nothing lines up correctly.  It was a cold, windy, rainy dark night...I was running alone and I have been sick this week.  But every now and then, the consistent culprit of my 'awful' runs sneaks up on me with a vengeance.  And that culprit is my calves.  They seize up like rocks and every step is fairly painful.  I have to stop and stretch them almost every quarter of a mile until they finally loosen up at mile 2ish.  I've found a pretty sure fire way to prevent this and it is a combination of Yoga, Foam Rolling, Compression socks, Calf strengthening exercises, good nutrition and 2 Aleve!  None of which I did last night.  Oh, how arrogant I've become!

So, my calves threw a tantrum that rivaled that of a spoiled 4 year old in a toy store.  I guess I haven't been giving them enough attention lately.  Add in the fact that the environment was harsh and my mind was already in a crappy place.  I never give up.  But last night, I gave up at 2.5 miles and went home.  Hence the Bradying reference. 

Because if I could, I would have sat down in the middle of the road in my stylish running skirt/reflector jacket and Bradyed. 

Every runner has these days.  I've been lucky that they are few and far in between recently.  It is hard to overcome the fear that my next run will be similar to the last.  It is hard to not be angry that I didn't get in my 4 allotted miles.  The best I can do is accept some humility, thank my body for the 2.5 miles it gave me, make adjustments and try try try again.

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