Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Baby, its cold outside!

Baby, it's cold outside!  Or it's 70 degrees, or 30 degrees, or 50 degrees...seems like Mother Nature is going through her own 'personal summers' if you catch my drift.  Regardless of the indecision of weather, it is most definitely dark outside!  And the fact that the sun sets at 5pm really starts to wear on me.  The temptation of hibernation runs deep inside me.  All I want to do during this time of year is sleep!  It is a challenge to get outside in the cold/darkness to run a few miles when the couch looks so comfortable! 

I would love to say that I've figured out the recipe to combating my overwhelming need to hibernate, but I'm still working on it.  My initial solution is two fold 1)Vitamins/Supplements 2) A good kick in the head.  So, in reference to Vitamins and Supplements, I realized this morning that I really need to be vigilant on these.  I have a wonderful co-worker who charmingly nags me to take my vitamins and I should really take advantage that she loves me enough to nag me (Thanks Candice!).  I'm always a tad anemic, so I've had to implement iron pills into my routine.  It is probably time to add in some Vitamin C as well.  Regardless, time to chemically enhance my mood a little!

In reference to the kick in the head, I just need to suck it up and get over it.  Yes, its dark outside, yes I feel lazy.  Too bad.  One of the many good things about doing Team in Training is the accountability that comes along with it.  I have committed to this and many of you have monetarily invested in my ability to succeed.  Rain, Cold and Darkness....Time to suck it up and make you all proud!

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