If the first half marathon is any indication of how this year might go....I could be in for a lot of problems or a lot of hilarity. I'm hoping it is the latter!
After my sister (Genny) and I Carb-loaded and hydrated all day Friday, we woke up Saturday morning to an email from the race organizers saying that the half marathon was cancelled due to a tornado warning. But also that they would offer the participants the chance to run it on Sunday. Since we were flying out Sunday and the weather didn't look too promising for Sunday, we started to toy with the idea of running the course on Saturday by ourselves when the weather got better. My main concern was that a few of my LLS donations would be coming in after the race was finished and I wanted to ensure that it would still 'count' if we went out and ran it on our own. Thank you to all the friends that said 'Yes, it would count'!! After making the decision to run the race on our own, my brother (Michael) told us that we had a 3 hour weather window of time starting right then at 8am. So we bolted out the door to start our own personal race! We named it the first annual 'Who Stole My Ham?' Natter Half Marathon - 2 participants, 4 race organizers!
of thanks for running with me on a less than ideal day. She didn't have to do it and she certainly didn't have to stay with me. My sister's incredible running talent is one of the things about her that I am most proud of ....and also very jealous!! She is all grace and speed, I am all stubbornness and power. I'll kick the door down and she'll realize it was already unlocked! She put all of her speed aside and ran with me the entire time, something that is very tough for such a good runner. In looking back at this race, I can honestly say that the support from my family started from step 1.
My parents drove ahead every 3 miles in order to be a water and gatorade station for us. Even a changing station when I decided it was too hot to be wearing my running tights! There were also a few other runners on the course and my family served as the cheering section for all of us on the course. My Dad was our own personal photographer, ensuring that only the good pictures of us would be online! Michael, my sister in law (Heather), and their ever-enthusiastic golden retriever (Zoe) drove along the course, honking and cheering us on!
It isn't a coincidence that my previous post was all about starting this journey where I knew I had support. I've always thought my family was incredible, they continue to prove it to me everyday. I can never adequately say thank you and I can never fully express how much their support meant to me. So, I did what only seemed right........I sent them each a ham!